We were thrilled to visit City Hall and present PAL with a check for $2,500 for their annual Reading Program.
The $2,500 was invested into PAL Educational Summer Camp programs to include Mayor Brown’s 20th Anniversary of Reading Rules, which took place between July – August of 2021.
2,000 students in grades K-12 from the City of Buffalo completed Reading Rules and they received free books so they could achieve the goal of becoming Champion Readers!
In addition to supporting efforts to help prevent Summer Learning Loss and encourage our City’s youth to engage in reading and writing this past summer, Variety also served as an ongoing Sponsor of the PAL Bicycle Safety & Free Bike Helmet Giveaway Program.
Included in the photos below are Chief Dennis J. Richards (President of Buffalo PAL), Nekia Kemp (Executive Director of Buffalo PAL), Rose DiPaola (Member of the Variety Heart Committee), Carol McMahon (Chairman of the Variety Heart Committee) and Mayor Byron W. Brown (Chairman of Buffalo PAL).